To open .rar files on your iPhone, you can use the ‘Extract Archive’ action in the Shortcuts app. There are also many third-party apps and websites for opening .rar files, like iZip and CloudConvert.
Hi, I’m Devansh. When sharing large files with me, my friends and colleagues often compress them in .rar or .zip format. As an iPhone and Mac user, I’ve learned how to open these files on my devices.
In this article, I’ll show you how to natively open .rar files on your iPhone. If you want to save time, I’ll introduce you to the best third-party apps and websites for opening .rar files quickly. I’ll also answer some common questions.
If you want to open a .rar file on your iPhone but can’t find the ‘Uncompress’ button, read this article to find out what to do!
Can You Open .rar Files in the ‘Files’ App?
Although Apple claims it’s possible to uncompress .rar files in the Files app, I couldn’t do it when I tried it on my iPhone 13. So, I used the Shortcuts app as an alternative. To do the same, open the Shortcuts app and follow these steps.
Step 1: Tap the ‘+’ icon, ‘Add Action,’ and type ‘File’ in the search bar.
Step 2: Under ‘Documents,’ select ‘File.’
Step 3: Tap ‘File’ and select the .rar file you want to open.
Step 4: Add the ‘Extract Archive’ action.
Step 5: Add the ‘Save File’ action. The shortcut you create should look like this.
Tap ‘Done.’ When running the shortcut, specify where to save the extracted files. Once the process is complete, open the folder and see if the contents are there.
What to do when you want to open another .rar file? Tap the ellipses icon beside the shortcut. Tap the existing file name in the shortcut canvas and choose the new file to replace it. Save it and run the shortcut.
Third-Party Apps and Websites to Open .rar Files on iPhone
I understand if you found the above method to be too time-consuming. The best apps to open .rar files on your iPhone are iZip, WinZip, and Documents. To do it online, visit Archive Extractor or CloudConvert.
Here are three common questions related to opening .rar files on the iPhone.
Can You Create .rar Files on an iPhone?
No, but you can create .zip files instead. Open the Files app, tap the ‘More’ button, tap ‘Select,’ and choose the files you want to compress. Once selected, tap the ‘More’ button in the lower-right corner of the screen and tap ‘Compress.’
How to Open a .zip File on an iPhone?
Open the Files app, locate the .zip file, and open it. Once the process is complete, you’ll find a new folder containing the files. You can open it and rename it if you want.
Is it Safe to Open .rar Files?
Yes. If you’ve received the .rar file from a trusted source and know what it contains, it should be safe to open it on your iPhone. Follow the above steps to open it using the Shortcuts app or a third-party app or website.
There are two ways of opening .rar files on your iPhone. First, you can create a shortcut around the ‘Extract Archive’ action. To do it faster, use a third-party app or website. Feel free to use any method to open and view the contents of .rar files on your iPhone.
Do you have further questions about opening compressed files on your iPhone? Let me know in the comments!